We like to pin

PINTEREST // There are so many ways to promote your brand. Nowadays social media is ‘the’ place to be. But what do you use? Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter… So many options out there. As someone that is visual minded I like the ones that are visually pleasant to the eye. Something that is inspiring and not so much about being seen.

Our favourite is Pinterest. Not only do we use it for promoting ourselves. Mostly we use it to get inspired. Remember the good old days where you were looking through magazines and ripping out pages to make collages. I had piles and piles of magazines laying around. Somehow always needed a the backside of a picture I was already using. Oh what a happiness when Pinterest came into the market. Finally an endless stream of inspiring pictures to use.

We are using Pinterest for over a decade now. Started for personal use and now using it more and more to promote the brand. The fun thing about Pinterest is that people are looking specific for a picture. It not like Instagram or Facebook that you post something and it disappears into the endless stream of users. You make a post and someone, maybe even a few years later still finds your image. I love the idea for that. Cause you don’t need to shout to your audience. You don’t need to post every day to get noticed. You don’t have to do selfies and make stories to get people all excited to follow you. You just need great images in a nice style.

Check out our Pinterest account: FINNA COLLECTIVE to get a feel about our mood.


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