Konmari Method

MARIE KONDO // 4 years ago I picked up the book of Marie Kondo. The famous Japanese guru of organising. The well known book The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up definitely changed my life. I’ve read the book on a Christmas morning and used the days after to bring it into practise. I think I literally cut all the stuff I owned in half. Bags full of unused items were taken to local secondhand stores. Books, clothes, kitchen tools, you name it. Cause who needs 3 garlic presses….?

“If you don’t love it, set it free”

So what is the Konmari method all about? It’s a guide to help you clean up and organise your living space, for a healthier mind. You gather together all the stuff you own, category by category and go trough it. Take every item and really feel if it is something that makes you truly happy. If not, you can discard it. In the end you’ll have quit a minimalistic house with only items you love. Every item has a spot, so you’re not running around anymore because you can’t find something. It make so much sense to live like this. It gives you a peace of mind. Not only do you know where to look for thing, your house will turn into a minimalistic heaven. Everything you have has a purpose or brings you so much joy you will smile every time you look around.

I never thought that after 4 years of organising my house the Konmari way, I would still use it. Especially when I’m feeling a bit off, when I can’t focus on work or feel a bit overwhelmed. It helps to clean out my stuff. Cause you collect a lot over the years or even over the days. Paperwork especially is one of my downfalls. I make lists and notes, a lot of them. My mind is kind of a webbrowser with one thousand tabs open. I need to write stuff down to not overload. But it evolves into a house full with loose papers lying around with small notes. And not only papers, I write on anything I can find. So once in a while I take the whole pile and go through it. This is very liberating I can tell you. Every time it feels like a brand new start. My go to quote is “a tidy house, is a peaceful mind”.



Under the skin


It’s all in the name…