Under the skin

GETTING UNDER ONE’S SKIN // This famous phrase has several meanings. One of them is to become a source of irritation or obsession. But it also means to gain a rich and thorough understanding of someone. And this is exactly what we like to do at FINNA. Cause before we start creating we need to know exactly for whom we design. Every client is unique in his or her own way and we like to make a tailor-made design, just for them. This design needs to be an extension of themselves. Something that fits them perfectly or even better, it enhance them without losing their uniqueness. 

With every new client we like to jump into the deep. To get under their skin. To figure out what drives them, what makes them tick. So how do we do that? How do we get to know the client, without being a creepy stalker or weirdo. What we like to do is to pay attention. To everything, to all the details. 

First of all we listen, really listen. Not making assumptions by someones appearance, but listen to all their stories they have to tell. Cause by really listening you break through the surface and you can establish what the essence is, their real needs. We ask valuable questions. Some of them maybe random and a bit strange. Some really straight to the point. Maybe this is the Dutch way to do thing? Being very direct. But be prefer to be honest and straight forward and not beat about the bush. 

“comfortable enough to tell their story”

Then there is the way people are telling their stories. Their tonation, their expression and their body language. Some nonverbal signals can say more than a thousand words. We closely pay attention to those. It is important that a client feels comfortable enough to tell their story, to express themselves and show who they are. As soon as they are enthusiastic about a subject, you know it is something they are passionate about. It is our job to pay extra attention in these moments to make sure you get to the core. 

Besides all this we like to listen to our gut feeling, our intuition. And no we are not psychic, we can’t predict the future with a crystal ball or float above the ground on a matress. But we are highly sensitive and empathetic. We use this as a benefit to notice the needs of the client. To make sure they are comfortable and understood. Cause if we tune in on peoples feelings, we can likely pick up what they need before they even know it. This is what make designing great. To create something so special that it fits like a glove and even blow your mind. 


Morning Routine


Konmari Method